Library (a non-exhaustive collection of works)
The full paper list can be found via the following profiles:
Talks & posters
- How to manage code and data for open science (and yourself). As part of SC3.13: “Open science beyond open-access publications: how can we share our code and data?”. EGU22, Vienna, Austria & Online, 23-27 May 2022. (slides)
Conference & workshop contributions
- EGU (European Geosciences Union) General Assembly 2019, 2020, 2021, 2023
- IUGG (International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics) General Assembly 2023
- INARCH (International Network for Alpine Research Catchment Hydrology) Workshop 2022
- VAO (Virtual Alpine Observatory) 2015
- ICAM (International Conference on Alpine Meteorology) 2019
- IMC (International Mountain conference) 2019
Slides to some talks are available via Github together with the source code.
Review/Editor activities
- Reviewing papers for The Cryosphere (TC), International Journal of Climatology (JOC), Geoscientific Model Development (GMD), Climate Dynamics, and more. For a list of verified reviews, see my Web of Science profile.
- Reviewing projects for the European Union (MSCA fellowships), Czech Science Foundation, Dutch Research Council.
- since 2022: Preprint moderator for EGUsphere
- since 2021: Review Editor for Frontiers in Water, section Water and Hydrocomplexity
- 2019 - 2020: Member of reviewer board of Water
I love to work with but occasionally use python and bash. You can find some projects on my Github page.
- Maintainer of
, an R-package that makes it easier to work with EURO-CORDEX regional climate model simulation netcdf files. Available via CRAN with the source on Github. - Created websites (this one here and the one for
CliRSnow) with
Data sets
- Snow cover in the European Alps: Station observations of snow depth and depth of snowfall
- Bias adjusted and downscaled snow cover fraction from EURO-CORDEX RCMs for the Greater Alpine Region
- Daily MODIS snow cover maps for the European Alps from 2002 onwards at 250m horizontal resolution along with a nearly cloud-free version
I scientifically support climate action and activism, for example with fact checks (see, e.g., 1 or 2). In private life, I provide technical advice for buddhist studies and a philosophy blog.
Talks to general audience
- Invited: “Schnee im Klimawandel”, organized by Globoalpin as part of their annual talks on Mountains and Climate (Berg und Klima, Gipfelgespräche 2024). (slides)
- On snow in local online media
- German regional television ( BR, Bergauf-Bergab: Faszination Schnee)
- Various interviews related to Alpine snow cover (as part of CliRSnow): past changes, snow in general, and future snow.
- Posted on:
- January 1, 0001
- Length:
- 2 minute read, 412 words
- See Also: